Wednesday, February 17, 2016



In my family we have a saying….I'm Jello!  It's our short for "jealous".  Yes, we are from Mississippi. Yes, we can spell and we see that this is not the correct spelling.  But we're also fun and definitely a more fun way to admit to super-not-fun jealousy.

I have realized over the past few years that a clear sign I am "jello" is criticizing or judging someone else.  We've all heard or been a part of the comments.  The need to point out how someone dresses, how they do or don't parent, what they have, how “frivolous” they are with their money, how "irresponsible" they are, how they are "never home", "workaholics", couldn't possibly be happy, must have a horrible marriage, are trying too hard, and the list goes on.  It's easy to put down what we are jealous of so we can feel better about ourselves, our circumstances and our decisions.

"Wrath is cruel, anger is overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?"  Proverbs 27:4

The bottom line- jealousy is UGLY! An awful part of jealousy is, when recognized, it acknowledges that the person we are jealous of has something we want.  That's the last thing I want to admit!!!! I even struggle with typing that right now.  You see, the problem I have usually has little to do with the person I envy.  The problem usually lies within my heart.

I have learned when I admit to my jealousy, an amazing thing happens.  I grow.  It frees me to be honest with God.  It opens the door for God to change my heart.  And sometimes, it frees my heart from the jealousy I feel.  Not every time!  I mean, let's be honest, we probably all have "that person" that seems to have the perfect everything.  My suggestion…. after you vent to God, sing your praises to him.  Personally, It's hard for me to want someone else's life when I am so thankful for my own. 

- Leah

Monday, February 1, 2016

Save Myself

I was sitting in a bible study at 19 at Toby Mac’s house.  His wife, Amanda, was leading a group for young women.  I can’t even remember what it was about, I don’t remember how I knew about it, and to be honest, I’m pretty sure I was mostly there because it was a beautiful house…. that belonged to Toby Mac. 

That bible study changed my life.   I was talking seriously about marriage with the guy I had been dating, and I was really struggling with it.  My boyfriend and I both knew God, but we put him aside when it came to intimacy.   It was at this bible study that God was calling me to give him all of me and all of my relationship.  If I was to move forward with this man, we needed to put God first.

What did it matter?  We had already "crossed the line".  What difference would it make now?  It’s not like you can start over.

But the bible says we can.

“Great is His faithfulness; His mercies are new every morning.”  Lamentations 3:23

So I talked to my boyfriend about it and to my surprise…. he completely agreed! I was so thankful we were going to take this step together, but I’ll be honest, it was not easy.  It was 9 months before we got married and I remember thinking it was impossible.  Amazingly, we made it.  This commitment was the beginning of Bill and I putting God first in our relationship, which has lead to blessings I cannot begin to count and a journey I could have never fathomed.

FAST FORWARD several years…..

My sister Brandon & I have a band called MENA.   We heard this song called “Save Myself”.  It took me back to the moment I made the decision to take God up on wiping the slate clean.  We both knew this song needed to be heard.

So what does it matter?  I will tell you this: God’s plan is perfect.  How can we ask God to bless our relationships if we don't put him first in them? Maybe you haven't walked perfectly. That's ok, because he has you covered: His Mercies are new every morning! I encourage you to take God up on wiping the slate clean.

"They'll get to know me by being kindly forgiven, with the slate of their sins forever wiped clean." (Hebrews 8:12 Msg)

- Leah

Consider the Lilies

I opened those 2 clear plastic boxes, those tiny little handmade Marionette faces smiling back at me. They were a gift from my husband on my 30th Birthday. A memento from a video we made, called "Marionette". Much love was put into that 3 minute and 30 second piece and very little love was given to us as were were quickly discarded by our record label before the video even came out. We financed that video with money we didn't have, and released it quietly hoping to draw some attention to the beautiful record we had made, and put out in the aftermath of losing our deal & our courage.
So, in a haste…I passed the little boxes off to my sisters house after my birthday to reside, because I had nowhere to "display" them. She brought them back to me a few months ago when we moved into our new home and they have been sitting, waiting, patiently in those clear plastic boxes in a closet in my basement. Until I opened them last Thursday.

I was so excited. My husband and I purchased a new home. A place to raise our sweet little daughter. And last Thursday was THE day for me. The day my talented interior design friend was to come over and decorate my writing room! Give me a haven, and a place to create and return emails, strategize for our new band MENA and think. A room in my house full of toys, of my own. I was happy. I was ecstatic! Until I opened the marionettes. Those tiny faces, looked up at me and took me back 5 years. Reminding me of how much I loved that record. And how hard I took it when nothing happened with it. And I just sat there, and cried like a baby. I mean, couldn't stop myself. I am happy no one was in sight!

It's been years. I am healthy, I have a lovely family, I literally have no complaints in life but there I sat heartbroken over 2 marionettes. Who symbolized everything I had worked for and then lost. Everything I thought I had made peace with. Trusted God with. Laid it at the feet of Jesus.

When Leah and I were talking about what to call this blog, I had this verse on my mind. Consider the Lilies. What does that mean? So we looked it up.

"Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. 28"But if God so clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more will He clothe you? You men of little faith!… Matthew 6:27-28

What it means to me is this: There are these beautiful flowers. Gorgeous and growing in the fields. Waving in the wind. Never worrying about where they will get their sunlight. How they will continue to grow. Just being themselves. Clothed in beauty. Being all they were created to be. Not worrying about tomorrow. Just peaceful and trusting in their creator in his purpose for today. If God takes care of FLOWERS this much… how much MORE does he desire to take care of us. In our beauty, in our worry, in our sorrow, in our happiness.

So Thursday, after I dried my tears and wept for what might've been... I prayed. And then I realized something. I don't wanna be there anymore. I wouldn't trade my present for my past any day of the week. And even when it is so tempting to revel in the pains and even the joys of yesterday…. I have to consider the lilies. Knowing that I am in the center of God's perfect will, firmly planted right where I am supposed to be. And wholeheartedly grateful for where I have been, and the woman God has allowed all those incredible experiences to make me.

- Brandon


The Marionettes are displayed right where I can see them, everyday. I'm proud to say I only smile now when I see them :) 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Doing a New Thing

"How long have you been doing music together?"

  We get that question a lot.  My sister, Brandon, and I have been singing together since the age of 4 & 2.  My mom finally let an eager singer-in-the-making make her debut in a small church in our hometown of Lucedale, MS and of course I, her little sister, tagged along for the ride.  We've played a ton of places over the years and made a variety of music (some we are very proud of, some we'd love to forget!).  Regardless of where we play or what song we are singing, there's no one else in the world I'd rather stand next to and sing harmony alongside a beautifully sung melody.  I am at home when we are making music together.

  At the center of all the things we are (children, friends, business owners, parents, wives), we are ultimately children of God.  We spent our musical time together in 2015 writing songs centered around our faith. I've not had a more freeing experience as a songwriter than to write about the one I love the most; the struggles, the blessings and the "struggle blessings".

Our band has the same heart but a new name, MENA.  We are passionate about women and passionate about encouraging them, as there have been some amazing women in our lives who have encouraged and championed us, including the woman we named our band after, our grandmother "Mena".   We cannot wait to see what God has in store for us, but I have a good feeling it will look nothing like what we've done before.  That is refreshing and exciting, and to be honest, scary.  The verse below has given me so much encouragement this past week.  I hope it will encourage you as well!

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way for you in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
Isaiah 43:18-19


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